Fire Safety Tips and Related Links
Needless to say, Fire Safety is an important topic for us.
The National Fire Protection Association - "NFPA" offers information on a variety of important safety topics -- everything you need to know to keep you, your family, and your neighbors safe from fire and related hazards. They offer free safety tip sheets to help advance safety in our community.
We suggest you bookmark this important link for your future needs:
National Fire Protection Association Here you will find a wealth of safety information for consumers. Make a point to view the information on "Escape Planning" and "Fire and Safety Equipment".
If you can't seem to find the answer you're looking for, email us at and we'll do our best to provide an answer.
Remember, drivers approaching stationary emergency vehicles, tow trucks and other highway safety vehicles displaying red, blue and/or amber flashing lights must now move over one lane or, if not safe to move over, then slow down below the posted speed limit.